Day8 - Planned for God’s Pleasure
You created everything, and it is for
your pleasure that they exist and were created.(Revelation 4:11 NLT)
You were planned for God's pleasure.
The moment you were born into the world, God was
there as an unseen witness, smiling at
your birth.
God did not need to
create you, but he chose to create
you for his own enjoyment. You exist for his benefit, his glory, his purpose,
and his delight.
Bringing enjoyment to God, living for his pleasure, is the
first purpose of your life. When you fully understand this truth, you will
never again have a problem with feeling insignificant. It proves your worth. If
you are that important to God, and he
considers you valuable enough to keep with him for eternity, what greater
significance could you have? You are a child of God, and you bring pleasure to
God like nothing else he has ever created. The Bible says, "Because of his love God had already decided that through Jesus
Christ he would make us his children, this was his pleasure and purpose.”(Ephesians1:5)
One of the greatest gifts God has given you is the ability
to enjoy pleasure. He wired you with five senses and emotions so you can
experience it. He wants you to enjoy life, not just endure it. The reason you
are able to enjoy pleasure is that God made you
in his image
We often forget that God has emotions, too. He
feels things very deeply. The Bible tells us that God grieves, gets jealous and
angry, and feels compassion, pity, sorrow, and sympathy as well as happiness,
gladness, and satisfaction. God loves, delights, gets pleasure, rejoices,
enjoys, and even laughs!
Bringing pleasure to God is called
"The LORD is pleased
only with those who worship him and trust his love.”(Psalm147:11)
Anything you do that brings pleasure to God is an
act of worship.
Anthropologists have noted that worship is a universal
urge, hard-wired by God into the very fiber of our being-an inbuilt need to
connect with God. Worship is as natural as eating or breathing. If we fail to
worship God, we always find a substitute, even if it ends up being ourselves.
The reason God made us with this desire is that he desires worshipers! Jesus
said, "The Father seeks
Worship is far more than music.
There is no such thing as "Christian" music; there
are only Christian lyrics. It is the words that make a song sacred, not the
tune. There are no spiritual tunes. If I played a song for you without the
words, you'd have no way of knowing if it were a "Christian" song.
Worship is not for your benefit.
It isn't for our benefit! We worship for God's benefit.
When we worship, our goal is to bring pleasure to God, not ourselves.
Our motive for worship is to bring glory and pleasure to
our Creator.
Worship is not a part of your life; it is your
Worship is not just for church services. We are
told to "worship him
continually" and to "praise
him from sunrise to sunset." In the Bible people praised God at work,
at home, in battle, in jail, and even in bed! Praise should be the first
activity when you open your eyes in the morning and the last activity when you
close them at night. David said, "I
will thank the Lord at all times. My mouth will always praise
Every activity can be transformed into an act of
worship when you do it for the praise, glory, and pleasure of God. "So whether you eat or drink or
whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”(1Corinthians10:31)
How is it possible to do everything to the glory of God?
By doing everything as if you were doing
it for Jesus and by carrying on a continual conversation with him while you
do it. The Bible says, "Whatever you
do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for
This is the secret to a lifestyle of worship-doing
everything as if you were doing it for Jesus.
Day9 - What Makes God Smile?
May the
LORD smile on you and gracious to you.(Numbers6:25 NLT)
The smile of God is the goal of your life.
In Noah's day, the entire world had become
morally bankrupt. Everyone lived for their own pleasure, not God's. God
couldn't find anyone on earth
interested in pleasing him, so he was grieved and regretted making man. God
became so disgusted with the human race that he considered wiping it out. But
there was one man who made God smile. The Bible says, "Noah was a pleasure to the Lord."(Genesis6:8)
God said, "This guy brings me pleasure. He
makes me smile. I'll start over with his family." Because Noah brought
pleasure to God, you and I are alive today. From his life we learn the five
acts of worship that make God smile.
God smiles when we love him
Noah loved God more than anything else in the
world, even when no one else did! The
Bible tells us that for his entire life, "Noah
consistently followed God's will and enjoyed a close relationship with
This is what God wants most from you: a
"I don't want your sacrifices, I
want your love, I don't want your offerings, I want you to know
He longs for
you to know him and spend time with him. This is why learning to love God and
be loved by him should be the greatest objective of your life. Nothing else
comes close in importance. Jesus called it the greatest commandment.
Jesus said, "Love
the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your
mind. This is the first and greatest commandment."(Matthew22:37,38)
God smiles when we trust him
The second reason Noah pleased God was that he trusted
God, even when it didn't make sense.
The Bible says, "By
faith, Noah built a ship in the middle of dry land. He was warned about
something he couldn't see, and acted on what he was told.... As a result, Noah
became intimate with God."(Hebrews11:7)
There were three problems that could have caused
Noah to doubt. First, Noah had never seen rain, because prior to the Flood, God
irrigated the earth from the ground up.' Second, Noah lived hundreds of miles
from the nearest ocean. Even if he could learn to build a ship, how would he
get it to water? Third, there was the problem of rounding up all the animals
and then caring for them. But Noah didn't complain or make excuses. He trusted
God completely, and that made God smile.
Trusting God completely means having faith that
he knows what is best for your life.
It took Noah 120 years to build the ark.
Trusting is an act of worship. Just as parents are pleased
when children trust their love and wisdom, your faith makes God happy. The
Bible says, "Without faith it is
impossible to please God "(Hebrews11:6))
God smiles when we obey him wholeheartedly.
God didn't say, "Build any old boat you'd like,
Noah." He gave very detailed instructions as to the size, shape, and
materials of the ark as well as the different numbers of animals to be brought
on board. The Bible tells us Noah's response, "So Noah did everything exactly as God had commanded
Notice that Noah obeyed completely (no instruction was overlooked), and he obeyed exactly (in the way and time God wanted
it done). That is wholeheartedness. It is no wonder God smiled on Noah.
Instant obedience will teach you more about God than a
lifetime of Bible discussions. In fact, you will never understand some commands
until you obey them first. Obedience unlocks understanding.
James said, speaking to Christians, "We please God by what we do and not only by what we
salvation comes only by grace, not your effort.
But as a child of God you can bring pleasure to your
heavenly Father through obedience.
Any act of obedience is also an act of worship.
Why is obedience so pleasing to God? Because it proves you
really love him. Jesus said, "If you
love me, you will obey my commandments.”(John14:15)
God smiles when we praise and thank
him continually.
Few things feel better than receiving heartfelt praise and
appreciation from someone else. God loves it, too. He smiles when we express
our adoration and gratitude to him.
Noah's life brought pleasure to God because he lived with
a heart of praise and thanksgiving. Noah's first act after surviving the Flood was
to express his thanks to God by offering a sacrifice.
The Bible says, "Then
Noah built an altar to the LORD ... and sacrificed burnt offerings on
Because of Jesus' sacrifice, we don't offer animal
sacrifices as Noah did. Instead we are told to offer God "the sacrifice of praise"(Hebrews13:15) and "the sacrifice of
We praise God for who
he is, and we thank God for what he
has done.
An amazing thing happens when
we offer praise and thanksgiving to God. When we give God enjoyment, our own
hearts are filled with joy!
God smiles when we use our
You may feel that the only time God is pleased with you is when
you're doing "spiritual" activities-like reading the Bible, attending
church, praying, or sharing your faith. And you may think God is unconcerned
about the other parts of your life. Actually, God enjoys watching every detail of your life, whether you
are working, playing, resting, or eating. He doesn't miss a single move you
The Bible tells us, "The steps of the godly are directed by the LORD. He delights
in every detail of their lives."(Psalm37:23)
Every human activity, except sin, can be done
for God's pleasure if you do it with an attitude of praise. You can wash
dishes, repair a machine, sell a product, write a computer program, grow a
crop, and raise a family for the glory of God.
You don't bring glory or pleasure to God by hiding your abilities
or by trying to be someone else. You only bring him enjoyment by being you.
Anytime you reject any part of yourself, you are rejecting God's wisdom and
sovereignty in creating you. God says, "You
have no right to argue with your Creator. You are merely a clay pot shaped by a
potter: The clay doesn't ask, Why did you make me this way?”(Isaiah45:9)
Every act of enjoyment becomes an act of worship when you thank
God for it. In fact, the Bible says, "God
generously gives us everything for our enjoyment."(1Timothy6:17)
When you are sleeping, God gazes at you with
love, because you were his idea. He loves you as if you were the only person on
earth. God enjoys watching every detail
of your life.
What God looks at is the attitude of your heart: Is
pleasing him your deepest desire?
This was Paul's life goal, "More than anything else, we want to please him whether in our
home here or there."(2Corinthians5:9)
God is looking for people like Noah in the
twenty-first century people willing to live for the pleasure of God. The Bible
says, "The Lord looks down from
heaven on all mankind to see if there are any who are wise, who want to please
Will you make pleasing God the goal of your
life? There is nothing that God won't do for the person totally absorbed with
this goal.
Day10 - The Heart of Worship
Give yourselves to God.... Surrender your
whole being to him to be used for righteous purposes. (Romans6:13 TEV)
The heart of worship is surrender.
We would rather talk about winning,
succeeding, overcoming, and conquering than yielding, submitting, obeying, and
surrendering. But surrendering to God is the heart of worship.
It is the natural response to God's
amazing love and mercy. We give ourselves to him, not out of fear or duty, but
in love, "because he first loved us."(1John4:19)
After spending eleven chapters of the
book of Romans explaining God's incredible grace to us, Paul urges us to fully
surrender our lives to God in worship, "So then my friends, because of
God's great mercy to us ... offer yourselves as a living sacrifice to God,
dedicated to his service and pleasing to him. This is the true worship that you
should offer."(Romans12:1)
True worship-bringing God
pleasure-happens when you give yourself completely to God. Notice the first and
last words of that verse are the same: offer. Offering yourself to God is what
worship is all about. This act of personal surrender is called many things:
consecration, making Jesus your Lord, taking up your cross, dying to self,
yielding to the Spirit. What matters is that you do it, not what you call it.
God wants your life-all of it. Ninety-five percent is not enough. There are
three barriers that block our total surrender to God: fear, pride, and
I trust God?
Trust is an essential ingredient to
surrender. You won't surrender to God unless you trust him, but you can't trust
him until you know him better. Fear keeps us from surrendering, but love casts
out all fear. The more you realize how much God loves you, the easier surrender
"God proves his love for us in that
while we still were sinners Christ died for us."(Romans5:8)
If you want to know how much you matter
to God, look at Christ with his arms outstretched on the cross saying, "I
love you this much! I'd rather die than live without you."
our limitations.
Second barrier to total surrender is our
Life is a struggle, but what most people
don't realize is that our struggle like Jacob's, is really a struggle with God!
We want to be God, and there's no way we are going to win that struggle.
We aren't God and never will be. We are
humans. It is when we try to be God that we end up most like Satan, who desired
the same thing. We accept our humanity intellectually, but not emotionally.
it means to surrender.
Surrendering is not repressing your
personality. God wants to use your unique personality. Rather than its being
diminished, surrendering enhances it. C. S. Lewis observed, "The more we
let God take us over, the more truly ourselves we become because he made us. He
invented all the different people that you and I were intended to be.... It is
when I turn to Christ, when I give up myself to His personality, that I first
begin to have a real personality of my own."
You let go and let God work. You don't
have to always be "in charge." The Bible says, "Surrender
yourself to the Lord, and wait patiently for him."(Psalm37:7)
Instead of trying harder, you trust more.
You also know you're surrendered when you don't react to criticism and rush to
defend yourself. Surrendered hearts show up best in relationships. You don't
edge others out, you don't demand your rights, and you aren't self-serving when
you're surrendered.
The supreme example of self-surrender is
Jesus. The night before his crucifixion Jesus surrendered himself to God's
plan. He prayed, "Father, everything is possible for you. Please take this
cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will, not mine."(Mark14:36)
blessing of surrender.
First, you experience peace: "Stop
quarreling with God! If you agree with him, you will have peace at last, and
things will go well for you."(Job22:21)
Next, you experience freedom, "Offer
yourselves to the ways of God and the freedom never quits.... His commands set you free to live openly in his
Third, you experience God's power in your
life. Stubborn temptations and overwhelming problems can be defeated by Christ
when given to him. As Joshua approached the biggest battle of his life, he
encountered God, fell in worship before him, and surrendered his plans. That
surrender led to a stunning victory at Jericho. This is the paradox, Victory
comes through surrender. Surrender doesn't weaken you, it strengthens you.
Surrendered to God, you don't have to
fear or surrender to anything else.
best way to live.
Surrender is not the best way to live; it
is the only way to live. Nothing else works. All other approaches lead to
frustration, disappointment, and self-destruction. The King James Version calls
surrender "your reasonable service." Another version translates it
"the most sensible way to serve God." Surrendering your life is not a
foolish emotional impulse but a rational, intelligent act, the most responsible
and sensible thing you can do with your life.
That is why Paul said, "So our aim
is to please him always, whether we are here in this body or away from this
Your wisest moments will be those when
you say yes to God.
Let me warn you: When you decide to live
a totally surrendered life, that decision will be tested. Sometimes it will
mean doing inconvenient, unpopular, costly, or seemingly impossible tasks. It
will often mean doing the opposite of what you feel like doing.
is your time to surrender to God's grace, love, and wisdom.
- Becoming Best Friends with God
we were restored to friendship with God by the death of his Son while we were
still his enemies, we will certainly be delivered from eternal punishment by
his life.(Romans5:10 NLT)
God yearns to be your Friend!
Jesus paid for our sins on the cross, the veil in the temple that symbolized
our separation from God was split from top to bottom, indicating that direct
access to God was once again available.
with God is possible only because of the grace of God and the sacrifice of
this is done by God, who through Christ changed us from enemies into his
must keep their distance from the king, but the inner circle of trusted friends
enjoy close contact, direct access, and confidential information.
and loving God is our greatest privilege, and being known and loved is God's
greatest pleasure. God says, "If any want to boast, they should boast that
they know and understand me.... These are the things that please me."(Jeremiah9:24)
looking at the lives of God's friends in the Bible, we learn six secrets of
friendship with God. We will look at two secrets in this chapter and four more
in the next.
Through constant conversation.
with God is built by sharing all your life experiences with him.
without ceasing" means conversing with God while shopping, driving,
working, or performing any other everyday tasks.
Everything you do can be "spending time with
God" if he is invited to be a part of it and you stay aware of his
classic book on learning how to develop a constant conversation with God is
Practicing the Presence of God. It was written in the seventeenth century by
Brother Lawrence, a humble cook in a French monastery. Brother Lawrence was
able to turn even the most commonplace and menial tasks, like preparing meals and
washing dishes, into acts of praise and communion with God.
Lawrence found it easy to worship God through the common tasks of life, he
didn't have to go away for special spiritual retreats.
is God's ideal. In Eden, worship was not an event to attend, but a perpetual
attitude, Adam and Eve were in constant
communion with God. Because God is with you all the time, no place is any
closer to God than the place where you are right now.
Bible says, "He rules everything and is everywhere and is in
Bible tells us to “pray all the time.” How is it possible to do this? One way
is to use "breath prayers" throughout the day, as many Christians
have done for centuries. You choose a brief sentence or a simple phrase that
can be repeated to Jesus in one breath: "You are with me."
the presence of God is a skill, a habit you can develop.
you are seeking an experience of his presence through all of this, you have
missed the point. We don't praise God to feel good, but to do good. Your goal
is not a feeling, but a continual awareness of the reality that God is always
present. That is the lifestyle of worship.
Through continual meditation.
second way to establish a friendship with God is by thinking about his Word
throughout your day. This is called meditation, and the Bible repeatedly urges
us to meditate on who God is, what he has done, and what he has said. It is
impossible to be God's friend apart from knowing what he says. You can't love
God unless you know him, and you can't know him without knowing his Word. The
Bible says God "revealed himself to Samuel through his word." God still uses that method today.
you think about a problem over and over in your mind, that's called worry. When
you think about God's Word over and over in your mind, that's meditation. If
you know how to worry, you already know how to meditate! You just need to
switch your attention from your problems to Bible verses. The more you meditate
on God's Word, the less you will have to worry about.
share secrets, and God will share his secrets with you if you develop the habit
of thinking about his Word throughout the day. God told Abraham his secrets,
and he did the same with Daniel, Paul, the disciples, and other friends.
more time you spend reviewing what God has said, the more you will understand
the "secrets" of this life that most people miss. The Bible says,
"Friendship with God is reserved for those who reverence him. With them
alone he shares the secrets of his promises."(Psalm25:14)
lets you speak to God, meditation lets God speak to you. Both are essential to
becoming a friend of God.
Day12 - Developing Your Friendship with God
He offers
his friendship to the godly.(Proverbs
3:32 NLT)
You are as close to God as you choose to be.
I must choose to be honest with God.
The first building block of a deeper friendship with God is
complete honesty-about your faults and your feelings.
In the Bible, the friends of God were honest about their
feelings, often complaining, second-guessing, accusing, and arguing with their
Creator. God, however, didn't seem to be bothered by this frankness, in fact,
he encouraged it.
To instruct us in candid honesty, God gave us the book of
Psalms-a worship manual, full of ranting, raving, doubts, fears, resentments,
and deep passions combined with thanksgiving, praise, and statements of faith.
Every possible emotion is catalogued in the Psalms.
It's encouraging to know that all of God's
closest friends Moses, David, Abraham, Job, and others-had bouts with doubt.
But instead of
masking their misgivings with pious cliches, they candidly voiced them openly
and publicly. Expressing doubt is sometimes the first step toward the next
level of intimacy with God.
I must choose to obey God in faith.
Unbelievers often think Christians obey out of obligation
or guilt or fear of punishment, but the opposite is true. Because we have been
forgiven and set free, we obey out of love-and our obedience brings great joy!
Notice that Jesus expects us to do only what he
did with the Father. His relationship with his Father is the model for our
friendship with him. Jesus did whatever the Father asked him to do-out of love.
True friendship isn't passive, it acts. When
Jesus asks us to love others, help the needy, share our resources, keep our
lives clean, offer forgiveness, and bring others to him, love motivates us to
obey immediately.
We are often
challenged to do “great things” for God. Actually, God is more pleased
when we do small things for him out of loving obedience. They may be unnoticed
by others, but God notices them and considers them acts of worship.
Great opportunities may come once in a lifetime,
but small opportunities surround us every day. Even through such simple acts as
telling the truth, being kind, and encouraging others, we bring a smile to
God's face. God treasures simple acts of obedience more than our prayers,
praise, or offerings. The Bible tells us, "What pleases the LORD more,
burnt offerings and sacrifices or obedience to his voice? It is better to obey
than to sacrifice."(1Samuel15:22)
Jesus began his
public ministry at age thirty by being baptized by John. At that event God
spoke from heaven: "This is my beloved Son, and I am fully pleased with
What had Jesus been doing
for thirty years that gave God so much pleasure? The Bible says nothing about
those hidden years except for a single phrase in Luke 2:51: "He went
back to Nazareth with them, and lived obediently with them."
Thirty years of pleasing God were summed up in two words, ”lived
I must choose to value what God values.
What does God care about most? The redemption of his
people. He wants all his lost children found! That's the whole reason Jesus
came to earth. The dearest thing to the heart of God is the death of his Son.
The second dearest thing is when his children share that news with others. To
be a friend of God, you must care about all the people around you whom God
cares about. Friends of God tell their friends about God.
I must desire friendship with God more
than anything else.
The Psalms are filled with examples of this desire. David
passionately desired to know God above all else; he used words like longing,
yearning, thirsting, hungering. He craved God.
Jacob's passion for God's blessing on his life
was so intense that he wrestled in the dirt all night with God, saying, "I
will not let you go unless you bless me."(Genesis32:26) The amazing
part of that story is that God, who is all powerful, let Jacob win! God isn't
offended when we "wrestle" with him, because wrestling requires
personal contact and brings us close to him! It is also a passionate activity,
and God loves it when we are passionate with him.
Paul was another man
passionate for friendship with God. Nothing mattered more, it was the first
priority, total focus, and Ultimate goal of his life. The Amplified translation expresses the
full force of Paul's passion, "My determined purpose is that I may know
Him-that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with
Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His Person
more strongly and more clearly."(Philippians3:10)
The truth is-you are as close to God as you choose to
be. Intimate friendship with God is a choice, not an accident. You must
intentionally seek it. Do you really want it-more than anything? What is it
worth to you? Is it worth giving up other things? Is it worth the effort of
developing the habits and skills required?
Pain is the fuel of passion-it energizes us with an
intensity to change that we don't normally possess. C. S. Lewis said,
"Pain is God's megaphone." It is God's way of arousing us from
spiritual lethargy. Your problems are not punishment, they are wake-up calls
from a loving God.
God is not mad at you, and he will do whatever
it takes to bring you back into fellowship with him. But there is an easier way
to reignite your passion for God: Start asking God to give it to you, and keep
on asking until you have it. Pray this throughout your day:
"Dear Jesus,
more than anything else, I want to get to know you intimately."
God told the
captives in Babylon, "When you get serious about finding me and want it
more than anything else, I'll make sure you won't be disappointed.”(Jeremiah29:13)
There is
nothing-absolutely nothing-more important than developing a friendship with
It's a relationship
that will last forever.
Paul told Timothy, "Some
of these people have missed the most important thing in life-they don't know
Have you been
missing out on the most important thing in life? You can do something about it
starting now. Remember, it's your choice. You are as close to God as you choose
to be.
Day13 - Worship That Pleases God
the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your
mind and with all your strength(Mark12:30 NIV)
God wants all of you.
God doesn't want a part of your life. He asks
for all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all
your strength.
kind of worship that pleases God has four characteristics:
God is pleased when our worship is accurate.
Worship must be based on the truth of Scripture,
not our opinions about God. Jesus told the Samaritan woman, "True
worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind
of worshipers the Father seeks.”(John4:23)
To "worship in truth" means to worship
God as he is truly revealed in the Bible.
God is pleased when our worship is authentic. When Jesus said you must "worship
in spirit," he wasn't referring to the Holy Spirit, but to your spirit.
Made in God's image, you are a spirit that resides in a body, and God designed
your spirit to communicate with him. Worship is your spirit responding to God's
worship involves delighting in God, it engages your emotions. God gave you
emotions so you could worship him with deep feeling-but those emotions must be
genuine, not faked.
course, sincerity alone is not enough; you can be sincerely wrong. That's why
both spirit and truth are required. Worship must be both accurate and
authentic. God-pleasing worship is deeply emotional and deeply doctrinal. We
use both our hearts and our heads.
wants you to be yourself. "That's the kind of people the Father is out
looking for: those who are simply and honestly themselves before him in
their worship."(John4:23 Msg)
God is pleased when our worship is thoughtful.
Jesus command to "love God with all your
mind" is repeated four times in the New Testament.
If worship is mindless, it is meaningless. You
must engage your mind.
Jesus called thoughtless worship "vain
repetitions." Even biblical terms can become tired cliches from overuse, and we stop thinking
about the meaning.
God is pleased when our worship is practical.
Bible says, “Offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to
God-this is your spiritual act of worship.”(Romans12:1)
does God want your body? Why doesn't he say, "Offer your spirit"?
Because without your body you can't do anything on this planet. In eternity you
will receive a new, improved, upgraded body, but while you're here on earth,
God says, "Give me what you've got!" He's just being practical about
have heard people say, "I can't make it to the meeting tonight, but I'll
be with you in spirit." Do you know what that means? Nothing. It's
worthless! As long as you're on earth, your spirit can only be where your body
is. If your body isn't there, neither are you.
the Old Testament, God took pleasure in the many sacrifices of worship because
they foretold of Jesus' sacrifice for us on the cross. Now God is pleased with
different sacrifices of worship: thanksgiving, praise, humility, repentance,
offerings of money, prayer, serving others, and sharing with those in need.
thing worship costs us is our self-centeredness. You cannot exalt God and
yourself at the same time. You don't worship to be seen by others or to please
yourself. You deliberately shift the focus off yourself.
you praise God even when you don't feel like it, when you get out of bed to
worship when you're tired, or when you help others when you are worn out, you
are offering a sacrifice of worship to God. That pleases God.
Day14 - When God Seems Distant
LORD has hidden himself from his people, but I trust him and place my hope in
(Isaiah 8:17 TEV)
The deepest level of worship is praising God in
spite of pain, thanking God during a trial, trusting him when tempted,
surrendering while suffering, and loving him when he seems distant.
Friendships are often tested by separation and
silence; you are divided by physical distance or you are unable to talk. In
your friendship with God, you won't always feel close to him.
when worship gets difficult.
David frequently complained of God's apparent
absence: “Why do you hide when I need you the most?" “Why have you
forsaken me? Why do you remain so distant? Why do you ignore my cries for help?
Why have you abandoned me?"(Psalm43:2)
Of course, God hadn't really left David, and he doesn't
leave you. He has promised repeatedly, "I will never leave you nor
forsake you."(Deuteronomy31:8) But
God has not promised "you will always feel my
McClung describes it: "You wake up one morning and all your spiritual
feelings are gone. You pray, but nothing happens. You rebuke the devil, but it
doesn't change anything. You go through spiritual exercises ... you have your
friends pray for you ... you confess every sin. you can imagine, then go around
asking forgiveness of everyone you know. You fast ... still nothing. You begin
to wonder how long this spiritual gloom might last.
truth is, there's nothing wrong with you! This is a normal part of the testing
and maturing of your friendship with God. Every Christian goes through it
at least once, and usually several times. It is painful and disconcerting, but
it is absolutely vital for the development of your faith.
It is a test of faith-one we all must face: Will
you continue to love, trust, obey, and worship God, even when you have no sense
of his presence or visible evidence of his work in your life?
The most common mistake Christians make in
worship today is seeking an experience rather than seeking God. They
look for a feeling, and if it happens, they conclude that they have worshiped.
In fact, God often removes our feelings so we
won't depend on them. Seeking a feeling, even the feeling of closeness to
Christ, is not worship.
wants you to sense his presence, but he's more concerned that you trust him
than that you feel him. Faith, not feelings, pleases God.
do you praise God when you don't understand what's happening in your life and
God is silent? How do you stay connected in a crisis without communication? How
do you keep your eyes on Jesus when they're full of tears? You do what Job did:
"Then befell to the ground in worship and said: "Naked I came from
my mother's womb, and naked I will depart. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken
away; may the name of the LORD be praised."(Job1:20,21)
Tell God exactly how you feel.
you know that admitting your hopelessness to God can be a statement of faith?
Trusting God but feeling despair at the same time, David wrote, "I
believed, so I said, `I am completely ruined!" This sounds like a contradiction: I trust God,
but I'm wiped out! David's frankness actually reveals deep faith.
he believed in God.
he believed God would listen to his prayer.
he believed God would let him say what he felt and still love him.
Focus on who God is-his unchanging nature.
of circumstances and how you feel, hang on to God's unchanging character.
Remind yourself what you know to be eternally true about God: He is good, he
loves me, he is with me, he knows what I'm going through, he cares, and he has
a good plan for my life.
God to keep his promises. During times of spiritual dryness you must
patiently rely on the promises of God, not your emotions, and realize that he
is taking you to a deeper level of maturity. A friendship based on emotion is
shallow indeed.
So don't be troubled by trouble. Circumstances
cannot change the character of God. God's grace is still in full force; he is
still for you, even when you don't feel it.
you feel abandoned by God yet continue to trust him in spite of your feelings,
you worship him in the deepest way.
Remember what God has already done for you.
If God never did anything else for you, he would
still deserve your continual praise for the rest of your life because of what
Jesus did for you on the cross. God's Son died for you! This is the
greatest reason for worship.
Why did God allow and endure such ghastly, evil
mistreatment? So you could be spared from eternity in hell, and so you
could share in his glory forever! The Bible says, "Christ was
without sin, but for our sake God made him share our sin in order that in union
with him we might share the righteousness of God."(2Corinthians5:21)
Jesus gave up everything so you could have
everything. He died so you could live forever. That alone is worthy of
your continual thanks and praise. Never again should you wonder what you have
to be thankful for.
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